New term of the International Conference Child in Kinship care

New term of the Conference Child in Kinship care is August 25 – 27, 2021. Please, save this date. We thank all of the so far registered speakers to that they allowed us to make this change. Registration for the speakers is still open. Our Board decided to...

The Conference is due to Coronavirus Pandemic postponed

Our Board decided to postpone the organization of the international conference Child in a Kinship Care – Preparation and Further Support of the Families due to the coronavirus pandemic. Right now we are looking for a new term that will most likely be moved...

We applied for a grant from the Visegrad Fund

We have finally completed an application for a grant from the Visegrad Fund today. Grant will support the participation of our colleagues from partner organizations in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, N.Macedonia and Ukraine on our conference. The grant focuses...